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College Collapse

College Collapse

The early atoms of this website originated in the half-baked emails I’d exchange with my good friend Jon during the workday, riffing on the random news and events du jour. So it’s only fitting to sample one from 2018 that seems especially pertinent today in times of COVID: the future of the college education racket.

Can You Step in the Same River Twice?

Can You Step in the Same River Twice?

For the last few years, I’ve kept a running list of Posts to Eventually Write, figuring that starting this website was a question of “when” rather than “if.” While sifting through this eclectic assortment, considering what’s worth pursuing and what’s not, a question emerges: how do you write a post when the original idea came to you years’ ago? Do you write it from the historical perspective, what you were thinking at that time, or do you update your views,…

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No (More) Writing About Writing

No (More) Writing About Writing

When I took Creative Writing courses as an undergrad, there were very few limits imposed on the subject matter for student stories. If your characters wanted to snort coke even though you personally weren’t of legal age to enter the local bar, that was fine. Even further, no one would bat an eye or even ask the annoying “is this fiction or non?” questions.  There was, however, one story type that was explicitly outlawed: the story about writing a story. …

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Humanity & Page 701

Humanity & Page 701

In late 2017, Tim Urban from the blog Wait But Why joined The Tim Ferriss Show (episode #283) to discuss, among other things, trying to predict the future and what it means for humanity. Before offering his perspective, Mr. Urban first gives the audience a crash course in human history, analogizing it to a 700-page book with each page covering roughly 200 years. This minimally edited transcript of Urban’s soliloquy will catch you up on the last 140,000 years. Buckle…

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Welcome to Eric’s Two Books

Welcome to Eric’s Two Books

Hi, my name is Eric, and I’m an information addict. Equal parts blog and curated content, Eric’s Two Books will chronicle my intellectual pursuits* in real-time as I grapple with the intersection of technology, humanity, behavioral economics, and more. What you can expect at Eric’s Two Books? Ongoing curation of truly shareable articles, focusing on stories published at least six months ago, to highlight quality content that doesn’t need to be timely to be interesting. An intellectual leisure reader for…

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